Unity Games Mac App Store


calling all mac app store developers, i've been following this tutorial: http://technology.blurst.com/unity-games-and-mac-app-store/ and i've made my info.plist ready, since i have no idea about it, it would be great to have someone who knows whats needed to give me the thumbs up or let me know what needs changing... thanks in advance, here's the script:

just unsure about a few things like

If you originally purchased Unity Server from the Mac App Store, you still own a valid copy of the software. In order to get any future updates though, you'll need to email us and provide proof of purchase (we have a few ways to do this) and we'll send you a serial number for the non-app store version of Unity Server.

Mac App Store Games


Mac Game Stores

the tutorial didn't mention this and it seems it shouldn't be ???? i don't know!

the version on the tutorial is very long with many scary numbers but mine is a first version so i put 1.0, will that be ok?

thanks again look forward to your help! :D