Renpy How To Check If Your Game Works On Mac

Like the game settings said that they were on full volume but no sound came out for me. So I don't know if that is a problem on my end or if it is a game problem. Other than those small things I think this was a very cute game and will be playing it again here soon to hopefully escape the room and seducing my volleyball boys as I do it. Subscribe: Follow Me on Twitch: Download RPA Extractor fo.

Renpy how to check if your game works on mac catalina

You've reached a page on the Ren'Py wiki. Due to massive spam, the wiki hasn'tbeen updated in over 5 years, and much of the information here isvery out of date. We've kept it because some of it is of historic interest, but all theinformation relevant to modern versions of Ren'Py has been moved elsewhere.

Some places to look are:


Please do not create new links to this page.

Note that these instructions are only needed when running Windows-only games on Mac systems. As most games are released for all three platforms, following these instructions is rarely necessary.

Ren'Py was designed to be as cross-platform as possible. It uses pygame and other libraries to abstract out as much platform dependency as possible, allowing the same game to run on multiple platforms.

If you're reading these instructions, then you're probably most interested in Mac OS X. These instructions cover how to get a Ren'Py game working on Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger). It's possible that Ren'Py games could work on earlier versions of OS X, but you're on your own to figure out how. These instructions will not work.

Getting a Ren'Py game running on Mac OS X requires three steps. You'll need to download the Ren'Py Launcher for Macintosh, download the game that you wish to run, and then use the launcher to launch the game.

Step 1: Download a Game

You'll also want to download a Ren'Py game. We maintain a list of ../Ren'Py Games/. If the game has a Mac version, then you're all set. Just download the game, uncompress it, and double-click the application. Your Ren'Py game will start in a few seconds. (And there's no need to read the rest of these instructions, for that game.)

If the game has no mac version, you'll want to download a cross-platform version. While these are often labeled as 'Cross-platform Zip' files, sometime it will be that the only version of a game is a cross-platform zip file. (Or perhaps some other compression format, like rar.) You'll want to uncompress the game once you have it, if it is not automatically uncompressed.

Renpy how to check if your game works on mac pro

Step 2: Download the Launcher

You'll then want to go to the ../Download Ren'Py/ page, download the latest version of Ren'Py Launcher for Macintosh, and uncompress it.

If you've already downloaded the launcher, then you can try using the old version. If the version of the launcher you have is not compatible with a game, a warning message will be produced directing you to this page.

Step 3: Launch the Game

To launch a game, first double-click on the 'Ren'Py Launcher' application. This application will load, and bring up a window asking you to select a .py or .pyw file.

The .py and .pyw files are files that contain instructions needed to start the game. Most often, the file that you want is named '', but not always. The file will always be at the same level as the 'renpy' directory, but never inside the 'renpy' directory itself.

Clicking 'Choose' should then run the game. If any errors occur, you may want to check out the console to see them

Anyway, we hope you enjoy Ren'Py games running on Mac OS X, and please let us know if you can succesfully run them.

Useful Keys

The Macintosh is not known for a plethora of mouse buttons, so here are some keybindings for useful Ren'Py functions. Please note that these are here as general guidance, and may not be present in all games.




Shows the game menu, allowing you to load, save, and quit your game, and to change preferences.

Page Up

Rolls back to the previous thing that was displayed.

Page Down

Rolls forward to something that has been displayed already.

For Developers

It's possible to use the Ren'Py launcher to build a Mac OS X application containing a game that you developed. Once downloaded and unzipped, a user can then just click on your application to start it, without needing to interact with the launcher itself.

To do this, one must first realize that on OS X, an application is a directory containing a number of files. It's just a normal directory on other platforms, while on OS X one needs to control-click and pick 'Show Package Contents' to see inside the application. Anyhow, inside the application there is a directory name 'Contents/Resources'. If inside that directory, one creates a directory named 'autorun' containing a Ren'Py root directory, then the Ren'Py instance in that root directory will be run when the application runs. (The first .py file in 'Contents/Resources/autorun is run. The directory 'Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy' must also exist.)

One can then edit the Info.plist file inside the application to change the name that is shown to the user on the menu bar. Zipping up the directory creates a single download that can run on the mac.

If you have any question or comments, please ../Contact Us/.

was released on October 17, 2019. The main downloads of Ren'Py 7.3.5 are:

Thank you for downloading Ren'Py. Become a Sponsor!

You only need to download one of these three files. Each contains the full Ren'Py software development kit, with everything needed to develop Ren'Py games for Windows XP and up, Mac OS X 10.6 and up, and Linux x86/x86_64. The development environment contains the files needed to produce games for all three platforms, the Ren'Py tutorial, and 'The Question', an example game.

Ren'Py is free to download and use for commercial and non-commercial purposes. It may be modified and distributed under the terms of its license.

Additional Downloads. When necessary, the Ren'Py SDK will automatically download additional packages, such as text editors and Android/iOS support. These packages are available for direct download at the bottom of this page.

Release History and Updates

Renpy How To Check If Your Game Works On Mac Os

There has been an update to Ren'Py 7.3.5 to address the requirementthat Android applications target Android 10 (android-29). For alink and instructions on how to install this update, please seethe thread on the Lemma Soft Forums.


I'm happy to announce Ren'Py 7.3.5, the latest in a series ofreleases that continue to maintain Ren'Py 7.3. This release fixes thecompilation of iOS projects, and adds a button that accesses the audiodirectory to the launcher.

As there have been quite a few changes since Ren'Py 7.3 was originallyreleased, please check out the changelog for new features that will helpyou create your visual novels and games.

Ren'Py 7.3 is brought to you by:

  • Alisha Taylor
  • Andy_kl
  • Arda Güler
  • Ben Wright
  • DragoonHP
  • Donghyeok Tak
  • Herpior
  • Jan Beich
  • Joshua Fehler
  • Julian Uy
  • Kobaltcore
  • Lee Yunseok
  • Mal Graty
  • Moshibit
  • Nyaatrap
  • Pionere
  • Psunbury
  • Remix
  • Roope Herpiö
  • Sylvain Beucler

Renpy How To Check If Your Game Works On Macbook

and myself, Tom 'PyTom' Rothamel.

Downloads of Ren'Py 7.3.5 can be found at:

A full list of changes to Ren'Py can be found at:

A list of changes that may require you to update your game can be found at:

Please also check out the credits and list of sponsors.

Editor Downloads

When first asked to edit a file, the Ren'Py launcher will prompt you to download and install an editor. As this may fail if your Internet connection is unreliable, the editors can be downloaded separately. To install, extract the contents of the editor archive to the Ren'Py directory.

Atom (Windows)
Atom (Mac)
Atom (Linux):renpy-7.3.5-atom-linux.tar.bz2
Editra (Windows)
Editra (Mac)
Editra (Linux):renpy-7.3.5-editra-linux.tar.bz2

Android and iOS Support

When building Android packages, iOS packages, or web distributions, Ren'Py will prompt you to download RAPT (Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool), Renios (Ren'Py iOS Support), or Renpyweb (Web Platform Support). As these downloads may fail if your Internet connection is unreliable, these packages can be downloaded separately. To install, extract the contents of the archive to the Ren'Py directory. (Place the 'rapt', 'renios', or 'web' directory into the 'renpy-7.3.5' directory.)

Renpy How To Check If Your Game Works On Macbook Air

Android Support (RAPT)
iOS Support (Renios)

Renpy How To Check If Your Game Works On Mac Computer

Web Platform Support (Renpyweb)

Additional Downloads

Renpy How To Check If Your Game Works On Macbook Pro

Raspberry Pi Support:renpy-7.3.5-raspi.tar.bz2
Contains files required to allow Ren'Py to run on the Raspberry Pi. This should be untarred in the Ren'Py sdk directory.
Ren'Py Source Code:renpy-7.3.5-source.tar.bz2
Contains the source code of the Ren'Py distribution without any binary components.
Pygame_SDL2 Source Code:pygame_sdl2-2.1.0-for-renpy-7.3.5.tar.gz
Contains the source code for the version of pygame_sdl2 required to run this version of Ren'Py. This may be newer than any released version of pygame_sdl2.
Other Dependencies:
Ren'Py contains free software licensed under a number of licenses, including the GNU Lesser General Public License. A full list of software and links to git repositories from which the software can be downloaded is linked above.
Checksums for the various files making up the Ren'Py distribution.

Renpy How To Check If Your Game Works On Mac Windows 10

We also maintain a complete list of releases.