How To Code A Simple Game On Mac

Terminal is not for mere mortals, you're probably thinking. It's a kind of a sacred knowledge that only geeks and Mac geniuses possess. But if you get through your first command line you'll find it's not that terrifying. In fact, using Terminal is like applying Harry Potter wizardry to your tasks. Once you know the right spells you can break any laws of how applications behave and do some unbelievable things that even the most experienced Mac people can't. Isn't it seducing to try?

In the code, goto is the command that states that you want to go to:loop. Example code: @echo off cls:loop echo This is the menu. Pause echo This is NOT the menu. Pause goto loop In this case, at the end, the goto function tells the computer to send the user back to the top of the code, where the whole code. With Buildbox, creating games is simple. There is no programming or scripting needed. Use one of our many assets to get started and preview your game in real time. Buildbox is the fastest development tool ever created. Hit games like Color Switch and The Line Zen were made in a single week using Buildbox And that’s just the beginning! Most games share some concepts, that of sprites (graphic elements that represent enemies, players, elements in your game), scenes or stages, animations, sound, loading graphic assets, etc. Since most game developers want to focus on their actual game and not in creating this whole abstraction layer, it is recommended you use a HTML5 game.

We've chosen just a few of Terminal's most impressive features. For more serious take on Mac terminal commands, check out this article. Okay, are you ready to type in your first code? To start the journey, learn how to open Terminal app on Mac: Click Launchpad and then type Terminal in the search bar.

1) Make your Mac talk to you

One of the simplest commands which can be very fun, especially when you are planning a prank on somebody. Just type any text in Terminal and your computer will speak it in your Mac's default voice. But there's about 20 voices and intonations to choose from plus the ability to convert an entire text file into speech. So here's a slick audiobook maker at your hand.

Open up Terminal, type in:
say followed by a space and any text you want to hear

2) Customize Login Message

This is what makes Mac more personal and humanized. For example, you can write an inspirational motto or helpful information for other users, if it's a public library computer. It might even be a way to retrieve your MacBook if you lose it — if you set a login message with your contact information. Once again there's much room for pranking other people, but we won't go deep into that.

Open up Terminal, type in:

sudo write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText 'Custom Text Here'

3) Watch Star Wars in Terminal app

In Terminal symbols, of course. This could be the greatest trick which makes no particular sense, but even if just for the coolness alone you should try it. The Death Star, R2D2, spaceships and the rest of the Episode 4 story retold in Terminal graphics will blow your friends away at the party. And there is no sound by the way.

Open up Terminal, type in:
On macOS Sierra and higher macOS versions, you should use a different command:

nc 23

4) Show hidden files in Finder

This isn't as funny as the previous one, but searching for important files is no joke. With this command, you'll be able to see everything on your Mac, even files which were omitted from standard display.

Open up Terminal, type in:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder

This should summon Finder with previously hidden files shown grayed out.
To reverse this operation (be aware that you may be swamped with lots of irrelevant system files) just substitute TRUE for FALSE in the command line above:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
killall Finder

5) Pay a visit to a psychiatrist

Funny Mac terminal commands are many. This is a classic Easter egg type of joke macOS developers are famous for. When you're feeling stressful, talking to friendly chatbot will at least make you smile. Strangely enough, this therapy may be actually working because you are asked to verbalize your emotions, by giving them a closer look. And the psychiatrists (the real ones) will confirm that sometimes it works.

Open up Terminal, type in:
emacs and then hit Return. Press Esc, then x, and finally type doctor

6) See iTunes songs notification via Terminal app

A clever addition if you normally work with the music on the background. If you fell in love with a particular track from your playlist you don't need to open iTunes to find out the artist's name. It will pop up on your Mac Dock from now on. Though a bit strange this feature isn't included by default because it's really a timesaver.

Open up Terminal, type in:

defaults write itunes-notifications -bool TRUE

Close the dock using the following command:

killall Dock

7) Play simple games

This is another retro cool feature to cheer you up once in a while. You can play Tetris, Pong, Snake and a dozen of other arcade games. Once you have unlocked these nice hidden toys, you'll surely get to love your Mac more. Prepare to use your arrow keys.

Open up Terminal, type in:
emacs. Press Enter to open it up, press Esc then x. Now you have to type the name of the particular game and that's it.
Game names:

  • tetris
  • pong
  • snake
  • solitaire
  • 5x5
  • landmark
  • doctor

What you learn from using Mac Terminal commands is that nothing is really impossible if you're on a Mac. But it's better to start your Terminal experience with these funny little tricks and then go to something serious. This program has a nearly infinite number of magic spells to choose from.

8) Make your Mac faster and more responsive

Okay, this has nothing to do with Terminal. But who wouldn’t want their MacBook as speedy and efficient as back then, on its first day? Surprisingly, this can be achieved easily, Terminal-style way — with aid of CleanMyMac X.

  • Remove up to 74 GB of junk from your Mac
  • Uninstall unwanted apps completely
  • Speed up Mac with maintenance scripts
  • Fully clean browsers and messengers

Download the app from developer’s site for free
Hope you found this article helpful, stay tuned for more!

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How to code a simple game on macbook

For the aspiring indie developer that wants to make games but doesn’t know the first thing about programming, this is certainly unfortunate. While common sense would tell you that you should learn how to program in order to make your first game, what if you just want to make your first game to see if you can actually do it? You know, to prove something to yourself. Good news aspiring indie developer, because it is certainly possible to make games without programming a single line of code. Consider the software below to develop your own games, and prove to yourself that you can indeed create your own, awesome game.


Game Academy’s flagship game making software, Buildbox is designed to be so simple to use, that anyone can figure out how to make a game of their very own without any need for a manual. Featuring an asset wheel that allows users to drag objects and designate their purpose in-game and a host of gameplay options for tweaking your games in every way imaginable, Buildbox makes it a cinch to create any game you desire. Complete with advanced monetization options and the ability to publish games on over a dozen platforms simultaneously, Buildbox makes it simple to create top-quality games in record time, all the while building your app empire from the ground up.

How To Code A Game On Mac

Construct 2

Scirra LTD’s Construct 2 is a Windows-based editor that allows anyone to create 2D games via an easy-to-use editor and a visual “event’ system. Allowing anyone to create HTML5-based games that can run in a web browser, Construct 2 also provides an exporter for allowing one’s game to be played via desktop executables and Facebook, as well as on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Blackbery devices. Additionally, the software also supports various visual effects such as realistic physics that can be implemented easily into one’s game, the ability to preview the build instantly on mobile and tablet devices via Wi-Fi, and so much more. One of the most powerful game development tools ‘sans the programming requirement,’ Construct 2 is worthy of a consideration.

RPG Maker

We’ve all heard of Avangate’s RPG Maker – heck, it was the go-to software for every teenager when I was growing up that wanted to try their hand at developing RPGs. It has been around since 1988, yet that doesn’t mean RPG Maker is an outdated dinosaur by any means. The latest versions of RPG Maker are arguably the most impressive the product line has ever seen, sporting a vast array of graphics and audio that will allow you to get started with developing your RPG quickly and easily. In addition, the official website of RPG Maker also features a ton of quality assets, tutorials, and more, making this one of the best choices if you want to specifically design an RPG.

To The Moon was designed using RPG Maker if that tells you anything about how flexible and powerful RPG Maker actually is. A dinosaur? In terms of software, absolutely – but it’s a dinosaur that has grown smarter and better with age.

FPS Creator

Alternatively, maybe you want to create your own FPS. If this is the case, consider TGC’s FPS Creator. You will need to know fairly basic scripting for advanced customizations of your FPS, but if you want to make a standard FPS and nothing more, you can begin to make games without programming using only the editor alone. They also have a variety of assets on their site as well, allowing you to make a fun FPS that will be a delight to play.

Game Maker: Studio

There are many programs that allow non-technical people to make games.

Remember when I mentioned that RPG Maker was the go-to software for many a teenager as I was growing up? Here’s the other go-to game development tool that everyone clamored to: YoYo Games’ Game Maker: Studio. I remember when it first hit the scene in 1999 too: it took non-coding game development by storm, and everyone wanted to learn how to use it so they could make some sick games. While it’s certainly been around a long time, this is another instance of a dinosaur growing ‘smarter and better’ with age.

Game Maker: Studio is a lot like Construct 2 in that it offers a visual editor to allow you to create your own game, yet allows advanced users to customize their game further via its own Game Maker Language (GML). Truthfully, if you are interested in learning how to program, Game Maker: Studio is a great starting point as GML will allow you to ‘get your feet wet’ when you decide to learn future languages.

If you are uninterested in learning how to program? No problem. Game Maker: Studio contains an awesome editor that allows you to create quality games for the desktop (including Mac and Linux), multiple mobile platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows Phone, HTML5, and beyond. It’s a powerful tool that can introduce you to the world of programming or can be used by itself via its powerful editor, so give it a shot.

How To Code A Simple Game On Mac Free

I’ll turn the article over to you guys. Do you prefer different game development software that doesn’t require programming? Let us know in the comments below!