Game Of Thrones Mace Tyrell Death


Mace serves on the trial of Tyrion Lannister for the death of Joffrey I Baratheon. He is particularly angry over the ordeal given that Joffrey's poison could have easily killed Margaery Tyrell, who drank from the same cup. It is unknown whether or not he knew at the time that his mother, Olenna Tyrell, was responsible for the murder. After the brutal death of Mace, Loras, and Margaery in the Great Sept, Lady Olenna casts her lot in with Dany, in the hopes of gaining vengeance against Cersei. However, it isn’t long before Highgarden falls and she is forced to commit suicide.

Game Of Thrones Tyrell

Mace Tyrell — son of the Queen of Thorns, father of Loras and Margaery — is not the sharpest tool in the shed. In a family that specializes in quick wits, clever schemes, and one-liners, he’s almost quaint in his square cluelessness. He’s one of the only Game of Thrones characters who genuinely does not seem to realize what show he’s on. He and Lollys Stokeworth — remember Bronn’s short-lived fiancee, who excitedly planned their wedding and was psyched to meet her teen movie star crush, Jaime Fookin’ Lannister? — seem to think they’re on a normal courtly pseudo-medieval show where weddings are pleasant and their fellow characters play by the rules. But after his delightful (and failed) attempt to take charge in “Blood of My Blood,” it’s time Mace got the appreciation he’s long deserved.

You probably haven’t give Mace much thought, because he’s not the coolest cat or the brightest bulb. He’s not sexy or savage, he doesn’t keep you on the edge of your seat anticipating his next move, he’s not a scene-stealer. But his very squareness makes him stand out from the crowd. And the latest episode was his crowning moment.

Jaime Lannister is such a boss that, during their showdown with the High Sparrow, he wears no helmet and rides his horse up steps.

Meanwhile, Mace prances like a peacock in his gloriously absurd feathered helmet and needs a guy to help walk his horse.

See the guy on the far right? He’s like the attendant at a kid’s birthday party who guides the pony so that the kids can feel like they’re really riding it.

You’ve got to give Mace props for showing off his ineptitude with so little shame as he leads his army. Even Jaime can’t help but give him some respect for owning his identity so hard. Mace is a bit of a Polonius-eqsue windbag, but he’s also more endearing, as he’s got far less bark and bite. The very notion of him trying to control Margaery is hilarious.

Mace’s character in a nutshell can be summed up by that scene and the Season 5 scene when Cersei led the Small Council. Her sassy uncle Kevan Lannister was having none of it, but Mace calmly and quietly took her orders, genuinely believing she was a smart human ruling for the greater good. Oh, Macey.

Mace Tyrell is a rarity in both Game of Thrones and the real world. Because he’s such a hapless, pure soul, he’ll most certainly die a terrible death, but we salute him and his peacock-helmet and his horse-guide. He will go down in Game of Thrones history as one of the under-appreciated unsung not-quite-heroes.

Warning: This post contains spoilers for season seven of Game of Thrones.

The third episode of Game ofThrones‘ seventh season saw Olenna Tyrell finally meet her end at the hands of the Lannisters. But as was her style, she still managed to get the last word.

After downing the poison that Jaime gave to her following the destruction of her family’s ancestral home of Highgarden, the fan-favorite Tyrell matriarch revealed that she was the one who orchestrated the murder of Joffrey — Cersei and Jaime’s firstborn son.

“Must have been horrible for you as a Kingsguard, as a father. It was horrible enough for me,” she said of Joffrey’s death. “A shocking scene. Not at all what I intended. You see, I had never seen the poison work before. Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.”

Viewers already knew this detail, as it was revealed in season four that Olenna conspired with Littlefinger to poison the sadistic king at his wedding to her granddaughter Margaery. However, it clearly came as a shock to Jaime.

Mace Tyrell Game Of Thrones

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The fourth episode of Game of Thrones‘ seventh season airs Aug. 6 at 9 p.m. on HBO.


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Game Of Thrones Mace Tyrell Death

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